We are Room 2 at Lytton Street School!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Things Coming Up...

Next week is week 10 and it's the last week of term 1. We only have 4 days since Friday is Good Friday. Don't forget that Thursday is Opposites Day, so wear something opposite! We also finish at 2pm on Thursday 5th April.

Mmmmmmm Pikelets!!

For Discovery Time Room 2 went to the BASSC room to make pikelets. We all shared the jobs like adding ingredients, mixing batter and cleaning up. Miss McDonald help cook them because the pan was super hot but we watched and told her when to flip them (when we can see small bubbles appearing). We think the best part was eating them all up with jam and golden syrup! We shared them too and gave one to a few of the teachers.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Discovery Time! 2nd March

Another interesting day! We made crowns today and had a go on the computer, learning some cool Maths games! Plus more amazing houses created with blocks! We are so clever!

Camp Day

The Junior Jets went on a Camp Day trip to the Ashhurst Domain on Wednesday the 29th February! We had a brilliant time there! We did Scavenger Hunts, Rubbings, Bush Walks, a flying fox, a trip to the river and got fish and chips for lunch! What a fun time!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Owl Babies!

Today in whole school assembly we got to show our beautiful owl baby pictures! We tried really hard to use great presentation skills when we coloured them in with pastel (which is pretty tough to use). They looked fab and everyone loved them. We did a fantastic job of standing up in assembly and showing them off! 

Discovery Time!

Every Friday we have discovery time! We have lots of fun activities that we can move around and participate in. Our goal is to work well together and remember to share and be play nicely. We are doing a great job of it too!


Swimming went really well this term! We had a great time and learnt some new and exciting things! We working on building confidence in the water, improving our kicking techniques and freestyle arm action. On the last day of swimming we had a free time play and got to go down the slide! It was so much fun!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to 2012! Room 2 is up and running and having a blast! We are very excited about our cool library corner and class set up! We also had our first day of swimming today and it was awesome! It's our first Discovery Day tomorrow! We can't wait! Keep checking for updates! From Room 2!